Below is a brief outline as to the types of clinical cases that we deal with here at Endo61.
Single Visit Cases

This is the type of case that I would like to have day-in and day-out as it is a straightforward ‘virgin’ endodontic case that can be treated in a single visit.
With Niti. alloy, curvatures such as this MB root are no problem.

Another ‘routine’ lower molar case with 4 canals (2 distals).
Removal of Canal Blockages
Of course, as an endodontist, nothing in life is that simple and we often have to retrieve an impending disaster by re-negotiating blocked root canals, especially those with separated instruments!
…If you can see it…you can get it!!…
And of course dismantling old post-retained cores can be fun!

And the majority of my work is of course rectifying previous endodontic treatments that have not worked for various reasons…

and, usually I have to treat them over more than one appointment to settle the infection, such as this failed Thermafil case:

Immediate apexification
With the introduction of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), we have one of the most biocompatible materials at our disposal. This has revolutionised the treatment of immature or open-apex cases:

This young lady had an extensively carious lower premolar that had died before complete root maturation. Thus, over 2 visits, application of orthograde MTA to internally ‘apexify’ the root end provided an immediate barrier against which g.p. obturation could be performed. Unusual Cases
And of course, to make the endodontist’s life interesting, there’s always a few odd cases thrown in!